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“Don’t like George Perez”? Wha–? That’s heresy! Ed Ward has a even more stark assessment:

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For instance, Ryan Dunlavey, artist on Action Philosophers writes: The overall picture is a reminder that just because it was hot for the Tweeners who now run comics, doesn’t mean the current audience likes it.

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We’re always suspicious of comment threads as a barometer of any kind of valid demographic or marketing information, but the one at is worth looking at for the widely varying reasons readers have rejected the title. Surely Waid and Perez were fan favorites? (Perez has left the book, but Waid continues on.) Shouldn’t such a book be right in the wheelhouse of the presumed 40-year-old fanbase of DC Comics? But is that really who reads DC comics any more? When Marc Oliver Frisch asked why Brave and the Bold by Mark Waid and George Perez had been sliding in sales, it seemed to touch a nerve, and Graeme at Blogorama kept the ball in play.

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